Reef Smart team will be back in Bonaire next month to significantly expand the number of mapped sites and produce a guidebook for the island.
Reef Smart team returns to Bonaire to complete guidebook
The Reef Smart team will be hosted by the incredible Buddy Dive Resort, with the aim of significantly expand the number of mapped sites for the island and collect the data necessary to produce a full dive, snorkel and surf guidebook.
The new guidebook, Reef Smart’s third in the expanding travel series, will be available by DEMA 2018. We will be increasing our dive and snorkel maps to around 25 across the island. New sites to be mapped include: Bari Reef and Front Porch, Alice In Wonderland, Tolo, Jeff Davis Memorial, Oil Slick Leap, Small Wall, Cliff, Something Special, Windsock, The Lake, Salt City, Margate Bay, Vista Blue and South Bay on Klein Bonaire. We will also be mapping several unmarked sites including the spectacular Tailor Made and one of the few technical dives on the island, Coopers Barge.