Reef Smart Managing Director, Ian Popple was invited aboard The World as a guest marine ecology lecturer this week – the first step in an exciting new partnership.
Reef Smart sets sail with The World

The World, which is the largest private residential ship on the planet, continuously circumnavigates the globe, exploring the most exotic and well-traveled destinations in exceptional luxury.
The trip represented an initial step in an exciting new partnership to support The World’s diving and snorkeling activities around the globe. Ian joined the ship in Bridgetown, Barbados, and traveled over 2,500 nautical miles to Recife Brazil, passing through the remote and historic Salvation Islands of French Guiana.
Whilst onboard, Ian gave several lectures to the ship’s residents, covering topics such as coral reef zonation, behavioural ecology, artificial reefs, predator prey interactions and the lionfish invasion of the Caribbean.
For more information about The World, click here.