Carcharhinus leucas
Bull Shark
Maximum Size:
13 ft (4 m), 6,97 lb (316 kg)
32 years or more.
Typical depth:
3–150 ft (1–46 m)
Bull sharks are aggressive and typically inhabit shallow, coastal waters. They are common and considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. They tend to feed on bony fishes, rays, other sharks, mammalian carrion and even garbage.
Larger bull sharks and large crocodiles.
Did you know?
Bull sharks are one of the few species of shark capable of moving between saltwater and freshwater environments. They have been found in numerous rivers, including the Zambezi, Mississippi and Amazon rivers, as well as lakes, including the Lake Nicaragua – a journey that takes the sharks 11 days to complete from the ocean.
Along with Great Whites and tiger sharks, bull sharks are considered the most likely sharks to attack humans. While unprovoked attacks are not common, they do happen. Bull sharks do not respond well to being disturbed. Warning signs of an attack include head swings, exaggerated swimming, back arching and lowered pectoral fins. Attacks usually result in bites that can cause deep, sometimes life-threatening lacerations, often around the legs.
Exit the water as soon as possible. Rinse the bite with soap and water, and apply pressure to control the bleeding. Shark attacks often result in shock, so keep the patient warm, calm and shaded. Elevate the feet unless that may cause additional injury. Do not provide anything to eat or drink. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, since even minor bites require cleaning and suturing.
The treatment advice contained in this book is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, either in terms of diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider if you are injured by a marine organism. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this book.